The revelation comes on a day Delhi Police confirmed it had received tip-offs on Naxalites hiding in various hostels in the city on earlier occasions. They had even surrounded a hostel inside Jawaharlal Nehru University on an Intelligence Bureau tip-off but the suspect gave them the slip. Sources said police were alerted after Aklanto Rama alias Mahesh and Anukul Naskar from Barak Valley, who were arrested in April, claimed that this academic—a popular face in JNU and teaching in DU for the past several years—has now become member of the state committee of a Maoist outfit.
Sources said that this professor, who runs an NGO by the name of Revolutionary Democratic Front, was helping Maoists spread their tentacles in urban centres and that RDF was a front organization of the Maoists. "His profile is stopping us from taking any action against him," said an official with special branch.
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