LG asks corporation to speed up passing of Jamia master plan

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013 | 22.10

NEW DELHI: For the last 13 years, the Jamila Milia Islamia University has been struggling to get its master plan approved by Delhi Development Authority (DDA). But on Monday, Delhi's newly-appointed lieutenant governor and former vice-chancellor of the university Najeeb Jung directed the South Delhi Municipal Corporation to expedite the process. The university area was denotified by DDA and handed over to the corporation last month.

On Monday, Jung met South corporation officials, including commissioner Manish Gupta, and university officials regarding the master plan. Sources say the plan is likely to be approved in three-four months.

As the Jamia VC, Jung had made several efforts to get the plan approved so that the university could start new projects. The delay in getting approval from DDA, officials admit, has hampered the development work at the campus.

University officials say, the original plan was submitted to DDA in 2000 and over the last 13 years, the agency has twice asked the university to incorporate some changes and submit the revised plan. The last plan was submitted in 2010. Officials say, since then they have not heard from DDA. Meanwhile, there was a change in policy and DDA denotified the university campus which is spread over an area of more than 300 acres.

The civic agency has received all the files pertaining to the Jamia University master plan. After studying the plan, the agency is likely to hold a meeting with the university officials to clear anomalies, if any. University officials say the civic agency will inspect the campus next week. "We are happy that the plan is reaching the final stage of approval. LG Najeeb Jung has been very supportive," said S M Sajid, officiating VC of Jamia Milia Islamia University.

According to the university officials, it is a comprehensive plan which has proposals for changes in existing structure and future projects.

The university has not been able to implement its expansion plans, which include proposal to construct 4-5 faculty buildings and 3-4 hostel complexes, as it was stuck with DDA.

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LG asks corporation to speed up passing of Jamia master plan

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