Imposing a fine of Rs 32,000 on the convict, additional sessions judge Mahesh Chander Gupta awarded the jail term to Rajesh, a resident of Rajasthan, for kidnapping and raping the 17-year-old schoolgirl. The judge said the prosecution had proved the charges against Rajesh "beyond shadows of all reasonable doubts" and added that "from the testimony of the girl, it is clearly indicated that she was enticed or lured by the accused".
The court held Rajesh guilty of the offences punishable under sections of IPC, including 376 (rape), 363 (kidnapping) and 120 B (criminal conspiracy). Police said the girl was kidnapped in May 2010 by Rajesh. The prosecution claimed the accused held the girl captive in his sister's house in Palam. It alleged that Rajesh's sister and brother-in-law gave intoxicating drugs to the teenager and tried to force her into flesh trade.
However, the sister and brother-in-law of the accused could not be arrested. The police told the court that the accused kept the girl in a rented accommodation for about a month and assaulted her during the period. He also repeatedly raped her, it said.
Rajesh claimed he was being falsely implicated in the case. He said he had not raped the girl and they were in a relationship. While convicting Rajesh, the court noted there was nothing in the girl's statement to suggest that she had falsely implicated him in the case.
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Man gets 10-year jail for kidnap, rape
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