Asaram's ashram in ridge has committed violations: Govt

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 24 Juli 2014 | 22.10

NEW DELHI: Government on Wednesday informed Lok Sabha that the 'ashram' of controversial godman Asaram Bapu on the ecologically sensitive central ridge of Delhi has made "certain violations".

Responding to a Parliament question, environment minister Prakash Javadekar said in a written reply that an official committee inspected the site of the Asaram Ashram Trust in the central ridge area and found "certain violations".

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) had asked the government to constitute the committee comprising the additional principal chief conservator of forests, representatives of the environment ministry and the Ridge Management Board to inspect part of the central ridge area.

Sharing other details of the ridge area, Javadekar said out of a total 864 hectare land notified as central ridge, 423 hectares was under the administrative control of the Delhi government's forest department.

He said there was no encroachment reported in the area under the administrative control of Delhi government's forest department.

A petition before the NGT had alleged that Asaram's trust had illegally constructed an 'ashram' and other structures in the central ridge despite a notification issued by the Delhi government in May 1994 declaring the ridge as "reserved forest" in terms of the provisions of the Indian Forest Act. Sabha,Government,godman Asaram Bapu,ashram'

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