Police said cash and jewellery valued at Rs 25 lakh was missing. Malti Mishra's body was found lying on the floor of a corner room. Mishra's son Manoj owns a jewellery and electronics store in Karol Bagh. She lived with her husband Mahesh Chand (67) on the first floor of a DDA flat at Lawrence Road. Mahesh works as an accountant in a private firm.
According to police, when Mahesh returned from work around 7pm on Saturday he found the front door of %the house locked from outside. Mahesh couldn't contact her as he forgot his mobile phone in office and waited outside for an hour. Mahesh later went to his son Manoj's flat in Karol Bagh to get the spare key.
When Mahesh and Manoj opened the door around 11.30pm, they saw that the house was ransacked. They found Malti's body lying on the floor with a pillow on her face. "She was bleeding from her nose and mouth and the wire of a mobile charger was strung around her neck," said Abha, her daughter.
The family informed police and Malti was taken to a hospital where the doctors said that a rigor mortis had set into the body.
"We have deployed several teams to investigate into the case and a case of murder and robbery has been registered," said Rishi Pal, additional DCP, northwest district.
Police said that the assailants had a friendly entry and the woman was probably asked for a glass of water before being attacked since cops have found two glasses with water spilled on the ground.
Police said the assailants had attacked her from behind and dragged her to the corner room so that neighbours couldn't hear her cries. The accused used a pair of scissors to break open a locker and fled with the cash and jewellery.
They locked the house from outside.
Police said Malti may have put up a fight as she was found cutching a tuft of hair-possibly of a woman- and a glove which may belong to one of the accused. Police have obtained CCTV footage of the area and suspect the role of a courier delivery boy as a neighbour had heard Malti speak to someone about a courier.
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