Bow-wow! Lost dog reunited with owner at mall show

Written By Unknown on Senin, 15 Oktober 2012 | 22.10

NEW DELHI: This could have been a lost-and-found story scripted in Bollywood. It's replete with all elements of a tearjerker — the separation, the pain and the dramatic reunion — except for a single peculiarity. One of the protagonists is a dog.

Zaalim Singh, an independent-minded Tibetan mastiff whose gentle demeanour belies his name, went for a solitary stroll in his neighbourhood, Khirki Extension in south Delhi, and never returned. That was a month ago.

"We let him out to browse in the area right in front of our house. He had earlier always found his way back. This time he didn't. We looked all over the place," said Sapna Chaudhary, the owner.

On Saturday, Zaalim was catwalking as part of an abandoned dog show in a south Delhi mall, when, in an amazing stroke of luck, he was spotted by Chaudhary. The dog and owner were reunited. Chaudhary cried. Zaalim, say NGO volunteers, did an energetic "trot and dance".

"We got him when he was five days old," said a tearful Chaudhary as her four-year old daughter, Gayatri, enthusiastically cuddled the dog. The two-old mastiff patiently bore her ministrations, wearing a pensive look as if contemplating this new turn of events after he had been resigned to a life of limited comfort at a shelter.

Chaudhary had come to the Select CityWalk mall in south Delhi for shopping and did not know about the adoption show organized by NGO Cause for the Paws Saturday and Sunday.

There were no other dramatic reunions, but the show drew several enquiries from shoppers at the mall and one 'Indian' dog found a home.

Eighth-grader Shivangani Anand, had volunteered to help People For Animals (PFA) manage the canines. She spent her day looking after an Indian dog, Rishi, and after the show, couldn't bear to part with him. "I had a dog till about three years ago, a Labrador. Dogs make really good companions and I love animals," she said, "I already have a bed and my mom has gone out to get dog food. I'll take him home right now."

The process of adoption is not simple. Adoptive families can take the dog home immediately but have to leave their contact details and identity proofs behind. These will be sent to the PFA office and teams will be sent out to conduct surprise checks on the families. The extra precaution is warranted as many dogs up for adoption demand special care.

Chinky, over five years old, is a "former stray", as her current caregiver Bharti Verma puts it. Chinky used to live in Verma's apartment complex and had fresh neutering scars when she was first spotted. Verma started feeding her but Chinky disappeared for a couple of weeks. "We found her lying on a heap of garbage. She was very weak and due to extreme starvation, had started ingesting the lining of her stomach," says Verma.

Chinky couldn't keep food down and for years, she was on a diet of toasted bread and raw egg-white. Chinky is faring much better now, but needs care.

About 40 dogs — kids to Verma — participated in the adoption programme. "Some will be handed over immediately and for them there will be post-adoption checks. For those that need special care, like Sammy, a three-year-old Labrador who is blind, there will be a house-check by volunteers first," says Verma.

Verma's own organization, Cure and Care Animal Help Foundation, is offering several dogs, who had once been pets but were maltreated, for adoption. Apart from Chinky and Sammy, there is Zara, a genetically malformed but "very energetic" mixed-breed (possibly with German Shepherd genes) and Danny, again a Labrador, who is battling depression and needs a home.

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Bow-wow! Lost dog reunited with owner at mall show

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