Last year, Sethi, posted with the Patel Nagar police station in central Delhi, was rewarded by top police officials for fighting two men who had tried to kidnap a visually-impaired girl in an auto in Rajendra Nagar. "I was off duty that day when I saw two men dragging the girl into an auto. I was attacked as I tried to stop them. But I had to overpower the men and rescue the girl," said Sethi, a black belt in karate.
She had joined Delhi Police in 1987 and has been training in karate and other self-defence techniques since then. Sethi is usually asked to investigate cases related to protection of children from sexual offences (POCSO) reported from Patel Nagar, Rajinder Nagar and Anand Parbat. On one occasion, she had chased a criminal involved in a sexual assault case and nabbed him single-handedly.
"I make it a point to counsel the survivors personally and train them in self-defence techniques which is the best way to bring a child out of the trauma," Sethi said. "I start training from 6am and end my day past midnight. I keep myself fit and my work also includes looking after my elderly parents," Sethi said.
Sethi is one of the chief trainers under training programme 'Prahar' for which she was felicitated on Sunday. The programme was initiated by north district of Delhi Police. It now plans to train more than 1 lakh women and children from across the schools and colleges in the city within a year. Senior officials are planning to extend the programme to other districts.
Sethi had pursued a journalism course from IIMC before applying in Delhi Police. She even worked with All India Radio conducting a show on self-defence along with her trainer Shiv Kumar Kohli.
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